You’d Pay to Think That You Really Know

DNA kits companies sell fibs.

But, Marks points out, these companies are preying on the public because they simply don’t have enough comparative information to pinpoint a gene on a world map. They might match your DNA to some group on some continent, but what they don’t tell you is that you would probably also match the group next door if only they had some of those samples as well.

If, for example, a company’s DNA kit tells you that you’re 23% British, it might be because your ancestors are Pakistani, and so are a significant number of their DNA samples from Britain.

2 thoughts on “You’d Pay to Think That You Really Know

  1. Ah, but they can point out that my ex has a heretofore unknown half-sister from her serial philanderer father.

    It’s probably a good thing that he passed away before it was discovered.

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