
brother bob: As your pastor, i have decided we must uphold the scriptures as authoritative even if those issues that make us uncomfortable. So, tonight, we’re happy to have Ann Bethel Perry-Hargrove speak to us at First Protestant Church about the prohibition of Women speaking in church. Ann Bethel?

Ann Bethel Perry-Hargrove: Thank you pastor! What a lovely auditorium you all have been blessed with, and I’m so quiet to be able to speak to you in a excited way.

It really has to do with inner wholeness, right? Introversion or extroversion or even boisterousness are personality traits instead of virtues. I think that’s why it’s a quiet spirit instead of flat out quietness.

The quietest Woman I know is also one of the most rebellious Wives I know.. because Her quietness is a symptom of Her brokenness. She’s a natural extrovert Who was crushed into quietness and passivity. Her quietness comes from timidity, excessive fear and self consciousness, which also causes Her to have a hard heart towards Her husband.

I also know a very loud Woman Who is a natural introvert, but Her need for attention dominates everything else. Her noise level is also coming from inner brokenness and dysfunction.

I guess to Me a quiet spirit is more about restfulness, trust, contentment, peacefulness. you can be restful and cheerful, peaceful and animated, content and chatty. As long as She’s becoming whole inside and submitted to God, a Woman’s personality will be becoming more of a blessing and asset to those around Her.

brother bob: What a great message. Thank You Ann Bethel. Inner wholeness is a great topic; like breathing: Where would we be without it? i think She’s exactly right that inner wholeness is the main thing to draw from paul’s words. Would any of the Women like to comment on that while we have the whole body gathered together in worship? Great! Yes, Lindsey?

Lindsey Rapha Haines: Most men aren’t very lovable, but Women are great and I like talking.

brother bob: Amen, Sister. i know i speak for all of us when i say we appreciate Your courage to speak out.

26 thoughts on “Stet

  1. That about covers it, from turning to women to teach, to LeeLee showing up to explain that what Peter really meant was moxie.

    As tedious as the reflexive reframing is, that comment was a gift that made my point as well as I ever could myself.

  2. Brother Bob: Next up, we have a word from Jesus Christ himself. But being a man, Jesus isn’t very good at expressing his feelings, so we’ve invited Taylor Windsor-Mandela to speak for him.

    Taylor Windsor-Mandela: Now you all know that Jesus’ first rule is “turn the other cheek”–unless it’s that bitch Madison Walker; nobody turns the other cheek to her. But middle eastern refugees? Definitely turn the other cheek to them. In fact, that can be pretty hot sometimes…um, where was I?

  3. @asdg

    I picked up what you were putting down.


    AN attempt at humorous criticism that was too clever by half.


    That about covers it, from turning to women to teach, to LeeLee showing up to explain that what Peter really meant was moxie.

    Thank you.

    As tedious as the reflexive reframing is, that comment was a gift that made my point as well as I ever could myself.

    Yes, it’s uncanny.

    Though, my thinking is that the gift’s value is mostly of the morale variety. I doubt LeeLee even believes her own words because she wasn’t trying to convey a belief or idea or facts. Belief simply wasn’t a goal. She wanted to share a feeling.

    They don’t learn by mental exercise, or testing theories. The strategy has to be kicking them out when they won’t be quiet. The “boisterous” women know that even if they’re eventually shut up by someone, they’ve led seven other women to rebellion under the delusion that they can sell facts and arguments woman-to-woman because–as women–“they know what she’s doing and they’re not going to let her get away with it.” Too late. Because the first sentence of this paragraph is still true.


    brother bob capitalizes neither his name, nor pronouns which refer to men, when he’s around Women. he wants to make sure They have every advantage to feel as significant and empowered as possible.



  4. @ Cane & Dalrock

    You’re killin’ me, Smalls. First, I thought Jamie Varon’s article was a parody, until I clicked on the link. Then, I thought “Ann Bethel Perry-Hargrove” was a parody, until I went back to Dalrock’s.

    I keep missing all the good stuff when I’m in the field.

  5. My favorite is the redefining of words. Submission, is not actual submission. Quietness, is not actually quietness.

    If words don’t mean what they do anymore, you can be as ambiguous as you want to suit your purposes.

    Kind of like love in the modern English language. You love your wife, your grandparents, and your children and your God. But if you love them in the same way then you have a problem and you would be jailed (For good reason). That is what is somewhat unnerving to me, when a lot of church songs sing about love for Jesus, but it very clearly sounds like a boyfriend type love more than anything.

    It is like marriage 2.0, submission.quietness 2.0, etc. You make the meaning ambiguous (Oh not the OLD way) and you can get benefits from both meanings without (seemingly) the downsides.

    Ex. women can use marriage 2.0 to get out of responsibilities, but still want to be treated as if she was a woman under marriage 1.0

    Ex 2. a woman will define submissiveness in the mutual submission argument to get out of actually submitting. Yet she still wants to be treated like the submissive women and applauded for it, even though she actually doesn’t fulfill the criteria.

    One foot in, one foot out, never letting go of either.

  6. A tale full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    Or signifying everything. Whatever. Anything to fill the silence, or to drown the voices in the head. To be a daughter of Eve must be a burdensome thing indeed.

  7. @Oscar

    Take heart: I made up brother bob. Mostly.


    My favorite is the redefining of words. Submission, is not actual submission. Quietness, is not actually quietness.

    If words don’t mean what they do anymore, you can be as ambiguous as you want to suit your purposes.

    Empathological does good work on that topic. The redefinition to ambiguous submission and ambiguous quietness is the eye of newt and toe of frog in the witch’s evocation of feelings.


    Logical comprehension was not her goal. We’re just supposed to be feeling’ it.




  8. You guys are like a good woman or wife should be…a blessed addition to a brother’s life.

    No homo. LOL

  9. @Cane

    I can tell. I wonder how many men behind her. I believe Bob is. After she said this “Most men aren’t very lovable, but Women are great and I like talking” I couldn’t listen anymore. It’s like she wants a man to love one way and any other form is negligible.

  10. With a few exceptions, the best way to handle women on a men’s site is to flirt with them so that they are distracted from the main thread. They get the attn. that they are seeking and don’t reframe so much.

  11. but Women are great and I like talking.

    That kind of dis-conjoined phraseology is pure gold when it is used as an example of someone who tends to think that way then blather their thoughts. Like some girl on a Nick show used to say “I like eggs”

    Females do things like that, some with more complexity and camouflage.

  12. @asdg

    With a few exceptions, the best way to handle women on a men’s site is to flirt with them so that they are distracted from the main thread. They get the attn. that they are seeking and don’t reframe so much.

    We ought not be trying to handle other men’s women except to get them to return to their husbands. Flirting with them is wrong.



  13. Ann Bethel Perry-Hargrove: Thank you pastor! What a lovely auditorium you all have been blessed with, and I’m so quiet to be able to speak to you in a excited way. By the way, let’s hear it for all the single moms out there!

    Surely she wouldn’t neglect that nod, would she? That would be akin to forgetting to to pass the collection plate.

  14. You know. I didnt even see through Lee Lee until Dalrock deconstructed her. Its frustrating personally when I dont know that what looks good at 1st glance is actually a forked tongue statement. She had me fooled.

  15. @James and the Giant Peach

    If you are wondering where this erotic imagery involving Jesus and the believer came from. Have a look in our church history especially chapter 6 of this pdf file:7

    Bridal mysticism an imagery of fleshly romance with a Jesus made much more explicit by women mystics. And by men trying to reconciles this theology with their manhood.

  16. @James and the Giant peach

    About love. This is where the greek comes into play. Agape is the love we extend to God, Eros to wife, and so on and so forth.

    Fortunately the english language is flexible and we can import words from other languages.

  17. I don’t get you people. Are you intentionally misinterpreting LeeLee’s comment? She clearly wasn’t even at odds with the message put forth by Dalrock. She said “Being quiet doesn’t mean she’s being submissive.” If you can accept that silence is submission, you’re screwed. Enjoy your “Wake-up call.”

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